Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Take Your Child To Work Day

As you already know, we have groups come to visit us. I love meeting them and teaching them about HSNY! Tuesday’s Children were our visitors this week. Tuesday's Children is a non-profit family service organization that has made a long-term commitment to every individual who was directly impacted by the events of September 11, 2001.

The kids met some of our adoptive animals and learned about pet care, animal adoptions and our hospital. They met my sister Misty and gave her a good brush, which is her favorite thing in the world! I also helped them learn what the word “humane” means, and some of the ways a city dog can enjoy being outside by taking them up on our rooftop run. Luckily we just missed that terrible rain storm that was rolling in, as you can see from the clouds in the photo! They were like little sponges soaking up knowledge and it was a pleasure and honor to have them pick US as their destination for Take Your Child To Work Day!